a- = of; 

afresh (adv.) 重新、再             anew (adv.) 重新、再               adown 朝下

akin 同種的、類似的


a- = on;

aback (adv.) 向後                     abed  在床上                           ablaze (a.) 發光、著火

aboard (adv.) 在國外                afar遙遠地                               afloat漂浮地,漂浮的

afoot 徒步地                            aground (船)擱淺                ahead 在……之前

ahead在……之前                     alive活的                             aloof (adv.)遠離,躲開

asleep睡著的                           away 在遠方


a- = make …; 加強語氣

abide遵守                                alight 由車或馬上下來            alike相似的

aloud大聲地                            amaze使驚愕                           arise起來,產生

arouse喚起                              ashamed 羞恥的                      await等候

awake吵醒                               athirst 渴望的


a- = ad-= to   at   for

abandon放棄                           abase貶抑                                abate減少

abridge縮短                             achieve完成                             amass 積聚

ameliorate改善、修正              amenable順從的                      amount總計

avenge為……報仇          avenue大街                             avow 公開承認


a- = ab- = not   without   from   away

avert 避開,調轉                     avocation 副業,嗜好


a-= ex-=out   extremely

abash 使羞愧                           amend 修正,改善          avoid避免


a-= negative= not   without

abysss 深淵,地獄           achromatic 無色的                       Amazon   亞馬遜河

amnesty   大赦,特赦              amoral      非道德的                  apathy冷淡,漠不關心

aphasia失語症                 asylum 避難所                           asymmetry不對稱,不均勻

atheism 無神論                        atom原子                              atypical 非典型的


ab-= from   away from   off

abaxial 離開軸的                     abdicate放棄權利,讓位      abduce 使外旋,外展

abduct綁架,誘拐                   abject 卑鄙的                           abnormal 變態的,不正常的

abominate 痛恨,厭惡             abortion 流產;墮胎                abrade 摩擦,擦傷

abrupt 突然的                          absolve 赦免                            absorb 吸收;使全神貫注

abuse 濫用                               abscess 膿瘡,潰瘍            abscond潛逃;逃亡

abstain 戒絕                            abstract 提煉;抽象的             abstruse 難解的

abundant 豐富的                     advance 前進                           avaunt 走開


ad- = to   at   for

abbreviate縮短                     accede允諾                              accelerate加速

accomplice從犯                       accost向人打招呼                    accumulate堆積

accustom使習慣                      acknowledge承認                     acquire獲得

adapt適應                                addict使沉溺                           adhere粘著

advent到來                              advocate擁護                           affiliate聯合

affirm確認                               afflict使痛苦                            aggress侵略

allocate分配                             append附加                             appraise評估

ascertain探知                           assert主張                                assume假定

attach附上                               attain達到                                acclimate 使服水土


al-= all

almighty 萬能的                      almost 差不多,幾乎               alone 單獨的


ambi- = on both sides   about   around

ambidextrous兩手靈巧的     ambiguous含糊的                    ambition雄心

ambivalent猶豫不決的             ambient 周圍的                      


amphi- = on both sides   around

amphitheater圓形劇場             amphibian 水陸兩栖的            amphibiology 兩栖生物學


an-= negative= not   without

anaemia 貧血症                       anaethetic 麻醉劑                    anarchy無政府狀態

anecdote 軼事                          ambrosia 神的食物


ana-=upon   on   up

anabaptist 再洗禮派教徒 anachronism 時代錯誤             analogy 相似,類似


ante- = before

antecedent在先的                    antechamber來賓接待室      anteroom來賓接待室

antedate 提前的日期                anterior 前面的                        anticipate預期

ancient古代的                      ancestor祖先                            antediluvian 洪水時代以前的


anti- = against   opposite to

anti-communist反共的            antipathy反感                          antiseptic 防腐的

antithesis對照、對比               antagonist敵手                   Antarctic南極的



auto- = self

autobiography自傳                   autocracy專制政治          autogamy自體生殖

autogenous自生的                   autonomy自治區                     authentic 真正的

autoinfection自身感染             autonym 真名


be-= to make

becalm 使不動                            befool愚弄                               befoul 污染

befriend照顧                            beguile欺騙                             belittle貶低,輕視

benumb使麻木                        betroth 許配   


be-= to cover with

becloud 蒙蔽                           bedew沾濕                               befog罩入霧中,迷惑




become                                    befall降臨,遭遇                     behold

bemoan悲慟                            beset 包圍                               bespeak預定



because    因為                         bequeath遺贈                          beside在旁


bene- = well   good

benediction祝禱                       benefaction恩惠、施惠            benefactor恩人

beneficent親切的、慈善的      beneficial有益的                      beneficiary收益人

benefit有益於                          benevolent慈善的                    bonus 恩惠


bi- = double   two

bicameral兩院制的          bilingual雙語的                       bimonthly兩個月一次的

bipolar兩極的                  biweekly一周兩次的                bicycle自行車


circum- = around   round about

circumference圓周                   circumstance環境、情況    circumspect 慎重的

circuit電路、回路                    circumlunar 環繞月球的      circulate 流通,巡迴


com- = together   with   wholly

combat戰鬥                             combine聯合                           comfort安慰

commemorate紀念                   commend稱讚                    commotion騷動

commute通勤                          compile編輯                            compose組成

coalesce合併、聯合             coalition聯合                           coeducation男女合校的教育

coerce強迫                               coexist共存                              cooperate合作

collaborate合作                        collapse倒塌                            colleague同事

collide碰撞                              combustion燃燒                      conceit自負、自大

concentrate集中、專心            conclude下結論                       concord和諧、一致

condescend屈尊俯就                configuration外形                    confront使面臨

conglomerate聚集                    conjunction結合                      consent同意

consume消費                           contaminate弄髒、污染      correlate使相互關聯


contra- = against

contradict否認                              contrary相反的                        contrast對比

counteract抵消                        counterpart相對的人或物


de- = down   downward

decapitate斬首                            decay腐爛                                    decease死亡

deceive欺騙                             decipher譯(密碼)                         declare宣告

deduce演繹、推論                   defect缺點                                             defer服從

deform使殘廢                      deliberate考慮                                        delinquency過失、犯罪

demerit過失、短處              demolish推翻、毀壞                       demonstrate證明

depict描寫                               derive獲得                                            despise 蔑視

detail詳述                                detain使延遲                               devastate使荒廢、毀滅



de- = apart   from

decode譯解                              defer延緩                         deficit赤字

defrost去冰或霜                       dehydrate脫水                 detach派遣、分離


dis- = apart   away

disadvantage不利                     disagree不同意                      disapprove不贊成

disbelieve不信、懷疑               discard拋棄                              discern辨認

discontinue中止                       discord不一致                   discourage使氣餒

discreet言行謹慎                     discrepancy矛盾、不一致        discrete個別的、不連續的

discriminate歧視                      disfavor不贊成                       disguise偽裝

disgust厭惡                             disintegrate使分解                   display展示

disregard忽視、不理睬            dissolve溶解、解散                distribute分配

dessert甜點                              digest消化、融會                    dimension尺寸、規模

diminish減少                               diffident缺乏自信的


en- = in   into   on   at   near   make

enact制定為法律                     enclose圍繞                             encompass圍繞、包含

encounter對抗                            encourage鼓勵                           encroach侵佔

endeavor努力                           enlarge擴大                             enlighten啟迪

enlist使入伍                            enrage激怒                              enrich使豐裕

entitle使有資格                       entrust委託                             environment環境

embed埋入,深留                   embrace擁抱                            empower授權


ex- = out of   fully

exact正確                                exaggerate誇大                        exasperate激怒

exceed超越                              excel優於、勝過                      excerpt摘錄

exclude拒絕、除外                    execute實現                             exempt免除

exert施行、運用                      exhaust用盡                            exhibit陳列

exhilarate使興高采烈               exit出口                                  exotic外國的

expand擴張、膨脹                     expect期望                              expel驅逐

expire期滿                               explicit明確的                          expose暴露

exterior外面的                             external外部的                       extinguish熄滅

extrinsic外在的                        emancipate解放


extra- = beyond

extraordinary特別的                   extreme極端的                            extremity極端


fore- = before

forearm前臂                            forebear祖先, 祖宗                        forefather祖先, 祖宗

forefinger食指                             foregoing在前的, 前述的      foreground前景, 最顯著的位置

forehead前額                           foreman領班, 工頭                       foremost最先的, 最初的, 最重要的

foresee預見, 預知                    foretell預言, 預示, 預測             foreword   前言,


hyper- = above   beyond

hyperactive極度活躍的            hypercriticism苛求                   hyperinflation惡性通貨膨脹

hyper-militant 極度好戰的       hypersensitive感覺過敏的


hypo- = under (hyper- 相反)

hypocrisy偽善                  hypothesis假設


in- = in   into   on

inborn天生的, 生來的             incentive動機                          inceptive起初的, 開端的

incident事件, 事變              include包括, 包含                   income收入, 收益

increase增加, 增大, 增長        incur招致                                indoor戶內的, 室內的

induce勸誘, 促使, 導致      indulge縱容                             infect傳染, 感染

infiltrate滲透                           inflame燃燒                             inflate使(通貨)膨脹, 使充氣

infringe侵犯, 違反              infuriate激怒                            infuse灌輸, 注入

ingrained根深蒂固的               inhale吸入                               inherit繼承

inhibit抑制, 約束                    inject注射, 注入                      inlet入口, 小港

innate先天的, 天生的             innovate改革, 創新             inquire詢問, 問明, 查究

inscribe記下                            insect昆蟲                               insert插入, 嵌入

insight洞察力, 見識                inspect  檢查, 視察             intake入口

intoxicate使陶醉, 醉人            intrigue陰謀, 詭計              intuition  直覺

invade侵略, 侵襲                    invest投資                               involve包括, 使陷於

illuminate照明, 闡明               illusion幻想                             illustrate舉例說明, 圖解

immerge浸入, 浸沒             immigrate使移居入境              impair削弱

impart傳授, 告知                    impediment妨礙, 阻礙            impinge撞擊

impoverish使貧窮                    imprint留下烙印                      irrigate灌溉


inter- = between   among

intercept中途阻止, 截取      interchange相互交換               interfere干涉, 干預

interfuse (使)混入, (使)混合     intermingle混合                       international國際的, 世界的

interplay相互影響                    interpret解釋, 口譯             interrupt中斷, 插嘴

intersect橫斷                           interstellar星際的                    intervene干涉, 干預

interval間隔, 距離                   interweave (使)交織


intra-/ intro- = within   inward

intrapersonal內心的             intra-school校內的                   introspect內省, 內觀



macro- = large   long

macroeconomics宏觀經濟學                                                  macrometeorology宏觀氣象學  


micro- = small

microbiology微生物學             microeconomics微觀經濟學     micrometeorology微觀氣象學

microphone 麥克風                microscope顯微鏡


neo- = new

neoclassicism新古典主義    neocolonialism新殖民主義       neofascism新納粹主義



out- = out   beyond

outbreak爆發                           outcome結果                           outcry叫喊

outflow流出                             outlook展望                             outpour流出

outgrow生長速度超過              outlandish異國風味的             outline外形、輪廓

outlive生存得比~更長              outnumber數目超過                outpace追過

outrage暴行                             outwit ~ 機智


over- = above   across   beyond

overact動作過度                      overbridge/overpass天橋      overburden使負擔過重

overcoat大衣                           overcome擊敗、壓倒               overcredulous過度輕信的

overcrowd過度擁擠             overeat吃得過多                      overestimate高估

overflow溢出、氾濫                overlap部分重迭                      overseas海外的

overtake趕上                           overthrow推翻                     overturn推翻



para- = beside   beyond   against   contrary

parable比喻、寓言               parachute降落傘                      paragraph段落

parallel平行                             paralyze使麻痹                        paramount最高的、卓越的


per- = through   thoroughly   away

perceive感覺、知覺             perennial永久的                       perfect完美的

perform實行、履行              perish毀滅                               permanent永久的

permeate滲透、普遍                permit許可                              perpetual永遠的

perplex使困擾                      persist持久                              perspective遠景、視角

persuade說服                           pervade遍及、彌漫


post- = after   behind

postdoctoral博士後的               posterior後部的                       posterity子孫

postgraduate研究生             postpone推遲                           postscript附筆


pre- = before

precaution預防                        precede在前                             preclude阻止

predecessor前任                       predict預言                              preface前言

prefer較喜歡                            pregnant懷孕的                       prejudice偏見

preliminary準備的                   premature未成熟的              premium獎金

preoccupy使凝神於              prepare準備                             prerequisite首要的事物

prescribe規定                           present現在的                     preserve保存

preside主持(會議)               presume假定                           pretend假裝

prevail盛行                              prevent妨礙、防止               preview預習



re- = again   back

rebel謀反                             recall召回、號召                       recede後退、撤回

recite背誦                                reclaim教化、糾正                reconcile和解、調停

record記錄                               recreation娛樂                       recruit招募

reduce減少                              redundant多餘的、冗贅的        refer參考

reflect反映                               refraction折射                       refresh使爽快

refrigerator冰箱                       refuge避難                               rehearse預演、排練

reinforce增強                           reject拒絕                                relax放鬆

relevant有關的                    relieve減輕                               reluctant勉強的

remedy治療                             remorse悔恨                            Renaissance文藝復興

renew更新                               renounce放棄                          repeat重複

repel拒絕、排斥                      reply答覆                             resemble相似

restore恢復                              resume重新開始                      retard阻礙、妨礙

retort反擊、反駁                     revenue總收入                      revise校訂、修正



retro- = backward



se- = away   apart

secede脫離、退出                    secret秘密的                            secrete分泌

seduce引誘                              segregate分離、隔離               select選擇



step- = orphaned


stepchild前夫(或前妻)所生子女                                          stepdaughter繼女,過繼的女兒

stepfather繼父                     stepmother繼母                       stepparent繼父()

stepsister異父(母)姐妹        stepson繼子


sub- = under

subconscious潛意識的             subject使服從                  sublime莊嚴的

submarine潛水艇                     submerge淹沒                  submit屈服於

subscribe簽名、捐助               substance物質                 substitute代替

subtitle副標題、字幕              subway地鐵                             succeed繼承

succinct簡潔的                        suffer忍受                               suffice足夠

suffocate使窒息                       suggest提出                             summon傳招、召集

support支持                             suppress鎮壓                           susceptible易受影響的

suspect懷疑                             sustain供應、維持


super- = above   over

superabundant過多的              superb豪華的、有餘的            supercilious自大的

superficial表面的、膚淺的       superintend監督、管理            superior較好的

supernatural超自然的              supersonic超音速的             superstition迷信

supervise監督                          supreme最高的                        supremacy最高

sovereign主權的                      surface表面                             surmount戰勝、爬越

surname                               surpass超越                             surplus過剩的

surrender屈服                          surround包圍                           survey考察



syn- = with   together

synchronism同時發生              syndicate  財團                         synonym同義字

syntax句法                              synthesis綜合, 合成                  system系統, 體系

syllable音節                             symbol符號, 記號, 象徵       sympathy同情, 同情心

symphony交響樂, 交響曲       symposium討論會, 座談會       symptom症狀, 徵兆


tele- = far off

telecommunication通訊           telegram電報                           telegraph電報

telephone電話                      telescope望遠鏡                   television電視


trans- = beyond   across   over

transaction辦理, 交易             transfer轉移, 傳遞                   transform轉換

translate翻譯, 解釋             transmit傳輸, 轉送              transparent透明的, 明晰的

transport傳送, 運輸             tradition傳統, 慣例              traitor叛逆者, 叛國者

tranquil安靜的                     transcend超越, 勝過                trespass侵入


with- = against   back

withdraw收回, 撤銷                withhold使停止, 抑制             withstand抵擋, 經受住





assistant助手, 助教            descendant子孫, 後代             emigrant移民

immigrant移民, 僑民              inhabitant居民, 居住者           servant僕人

tenant承租人, 房客



committee委員會                      employee職工, 雇員                examinee投考者, 應試者

nominee被提名的人, 被任命者  trainee練習生, 新兵






agent代理()                   correspondent通訊記者             opponent對手, 反對者

president總統, 校長         resident居民                              student學生, 研究者, 學者



baker麵包師                            commander司令官, 指揮官     customer消費者

gardener園丁                           leader領導者                            manufacturer製造商

mariner水手                            murderer殺人犯, 兇手             owner所有者, 業主

philosopher哲學家, 哲人     prisoner囚犯                            producer生產者



actress女演員                          empress皇后                            hostess女主人

princess公主                            stewardess女乘務員



communist共產主義者            dogmatist武斷的人              novelist (長篇)小說家

specialist 專家                     tourist旅行者, 旅遊者             typist打字員



–ism   -asm

antagonism對抗(狀態)             Buddhism佛教                 communism共產主義

existentialism 存在主義           exoticism異國情調          heroism英雄主義

Marxism馬克思主義                optimism 樂觀主義          pessimism悲觀主義

enthusiasm熱心, 積極性



altitude高度                             aptitude恰當, 智慧              fortitude堅韌

gratitude感謝                           latitude緯度                             magnitude大小, 數量,量級

multitude多數                      solitude孤獨


–able   -ible

amenable   available   changeable   desirable   imponderable   irritable   noticeable   reasonable   unforgettable   contemptible   horrible   incredible   negligible



aged   bearded   crowned   cultured   gifted   moneyed   talented



dreadful   fruitful   graceful   merciful   mournful   regretful   scornful   shameful   thoughtful



academic   angelic   arctic   athletic   diplomatic   domestic   emphatic   exotic   fantastic   gigantic   idiotic   lunatic   patriotic   scenic



bookish   brownish   childish   feverish   selfish   yellowish   bluish   greenish   reddish



envious   furious   glorious   gorgeous   industrious   laborious   perilous   righteous   spacious   strenuous   tremulous   vicious   virtuous



bombproof   bulletproof   fireproof   foolproof   rainproof   soundproof   waterproof   weatherproof



burdensome   irksome   meddlesome   quarrelsome   tiresome   troublesome   wearisome   wholesome



darken   fasten   hasten   heighten   lengthen   moisten   redden   sharpen   strengthen   threaten   weaken   worsen


–esce  表動作開始或正在進行

coalesce   obsolesce



classify   edify   fortify   fructify   identify   justify   liquefy   nullify   personify   purify   qualify   satisfy   signify   simplify   stupefy



admonish   banish   blush   cherish   demolish   diminish   flourish   furnish   languish   punish


–ize/ -ise

civilize   dramatize   generalize   organize   specialize   symbolize   utilize   vicimize



chuckle   dazzle   sparkle   sprinkle   startle   twinkle



act = to act(在行動)

activate刺激, 使活動              activation活化, 啟動           activator催化劑, 觸媒

actual實際的, 真實的              actuality實在, 現狀            actualize實現, 實施  

actuate開動, 促使                 enact制定法律, 頒佈          enactment設定, 制定 

inaction無行動,不活動,無為,怠惰    inactive無行動的, 不活動的     interact互相作用, 互相影響

react起反應, 起作用              reactor反應堆                  reaction反應, 反作用  

transact辦理, 交易                transaction辦理, 處理,          agency代理處,行銷處,代理,仲介

agent代理()                    agile敏捷的, 輕快的, 靈活的     agility敏捷, 活潑

agitate攪動, 搖動, 煽動, 激動     agitation激動, 興奮, 煽動, 攪動  agitator煽動者 

agony苦惱, 極大的痛苦           prodigal浪費的


alt = high ()

altar  祭壇, (基督教教堂內的)聖壇, 祈禱祭拜的地方                              altimeter高度計 

altitude 高度,                                       exalt晉升                    exaltation提升,提高

haughty  傲慢的


alter/ali = other

alter改變                                              alteration變更, 改造                          alternate交替, 輪流, 改變

alternation交替, 輪流, 間隔             alternative二中擇一, 可供選擇的辦法, 事物  

altruism利他主義                                altruistic利他的, 無私心的                alien外僑  

alienate疏遠                                        adultery通姦, 通姦行為  


am = to love

amateur業餘愛好者                           amatory戀愛的, 情人的                     amiable親切的, 和藹可親的

amicable友善的, 和平的                   amorist情人, 情郎                              amorous多情的, 戀愛的

enemy敵人, 仇敵                               enmity敵意, 憎恨


ang = to strangle

anger   angry   anguish   anxiety   anxious


angl/ angul = angle

angle   angular   equiangular   quadrangular   rectangle   triangle   triangular


anim = breath   mind

animal   animate   animation   equanimity   inanimate   magnanimity   unanimity   unanimous


ann = year

anniversary   annual   biannual   biennial   centennial   perennial


anthrop = man

anthropocentric以人類為中心的      anthropography人類地理分佈學, 人種志  

anthropology人類學                                  philanthropy慈善事業


apt = fit

apt   aptitude   aptness   adapt   adaptable   adaptation   adaptive   inapt   inaptitude


aqua = water

aquatic水的, 水上的, 水生的, 水棲的


arm = weapons

arms   armada   armament   armed   armour   alarm   disarm   disarmament


art = skill

artful   artist   artistic   artless   artifact   artificial


aud = to hear

audible聽得見的                         audience聽眾,觀眾                            audiphones助聽器

audition聽力,試聽                      auditorial審計員的,查帳官的,通過聽覺的

auditorium會堂,禮堂                          auditory耳的,聽覺的                           obedient服從的,孝順的



aug = to increase   to make to grow

auction   auctioneer   augment   augmentative   august   author   authority   authoritative   authorize   authentic   authenticity


avi = bird

aviate   aviation   aviator   auspice   auspicious   inauspicious   inaugurate   inauguration


band/bond = to bind

band   bandage   bond   bound   boundary


bio = life

biochemistry生物化學               biography傳記                                    biographer傳記作者  

biology生物學                             autobiography自傳                            autobiographical自傳的



bre = short

brief   briefly   abbreviation   abridge   abridgement


cand = white   bright

candle   candid   candidate   incandescent   incandescence


cant/ chant/cent = to sing

enchant   enchantment   accent   accentuate


cap = head

capital   capitalism   capitalist   capitalize   captain   cabbage   decapitate   precipitate


cap = to take

capable   captive   capture


cast = to throw

cast   broadcast   forecast   outcast   telecast


cav = hollow

cave   cavern   excavate


cede   ceed = to go   to yield

accede   access   accessible   antecede   antecedent   concession   exceed   exceeding   exceedingly   excessive   precede   precedence   precedent   proceed   process   recession   succeed   success   successful   successive   successor


ceive   cept   cip   cipate = to take

accept   acceptable   acceptance   accepted   conceive   conceivable   concept   conception   deceive   deceivable   deception   deceptive   intercept   perceive   perception   perceptive   precept   receipt   receptive   susceptible   susceptibility   anticipate   anticipation   participate   participation   emancipation


celer = swift

celerity   accelerate   acceleration   accelerator   decelerate


cent = hundred

centennial   centigrade   centimeter   century   percent   percentage


centr = center

central   centralism   centralization   acentric   concentrate   concentration   decentralize   eccentric

cern   cret = to separate

concern   concerning   discern   discreet   discrete   secret   secretary   secrete


cert = sure

ascertain   certain   certainty   certify   certificate   certification   concert


chron = time

chronic   chronology   synchronous


cide   cise =  to cut

concise   decide   decision   decisive   incise   incision   incisive   insecticide   precise   precision   suicide


circ   cyc = ring

circle   circular   circulate   circulation   circuit   circus   encircle   semicircle   cycle   cyclist   cyclone   bicycle   tricycle   encyclopaedia


cite = to call   to urge

cite   excite   excitable   excitement   incite   recite   recital   solicitor


claim   clam = to cry

claim   clamour   acclaim   acclamation   exclaim   exclamation   proclaim   proclamation


clin = to bend

decline   incline   inclination   climax


clud = to shut

close   closet   closure   conclude   conclusion   conclusive   disclose   disclosure   enclose   exclude   exclusion   exclusive   include   inclusion   preclude   seclude


cognis   gnos = to know

cognition   cognitive   diagnose   diagnosis   ignore   ignorant   recognize   recognition


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